We are moving to our new (to us) house on Monday the 18th! As you can imagine, things are hectic as I am trying to pack and organize here and finish the renos there. I won't bore you with the details, but we had a major roofing issue that slowed things down to a grinding halt (aaah, the joys of home ownership!) until today when it finally (and hopefully) got resolved, which will then allow for the final touches in the kitchen to be done. Yaaaay!! Can't wait to be in and using my new kitchen and my new appliances. Who knows, I may even become a decent cook!
At least the weather has been fantastic, so it really motivates me to get things done. I hope it holds off until moving day!
I am planning to show you how things look after we're moved in. Although a great deal of work has been done, it will be a work in progress as far as decorating goes, as you know, a house is never done!
So in order to concentrate on this,

I am taking a couple of weeks off blogging and planning to return in full force once we're somewhat settled in.
À bientôt!