
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Better Homes and Garden Christmas Door Inspiration

De tout, de rien
Well, hello again! I haven't blogged in so long, I'm embarrassed! I could blame it on life in general, but I'm just plain ole lazy. Or I just don't have my act together. Or possibly both.

I started my blog with the intention of talking about everything and nothing, an all encompassing blog if you will, hence the name, but I find myself wanting to shift the focus to home decor, thrifting and crafting, which are things I have always loved. I have been so inspired by so many other fellow bloggers out there. And you know what they say: write about what you love.

So here I go. We have officially entered the Christmas and Holiday season and so far, the following project is all I have done, besides buying a few gifts. I know, you've got me figured out. Procrastinator here. Guilty. I do my best work under pressure at the last minute. So you may see me do 22 posts on Christmas eve. And then nothing for 3 months.

Anyhoo, I saw this Christmas door decoration on the Better Homes and Gardens website and fell completely in love with it, because it was so different.

Better Homes and Gardens
As luck would have it, I found a very similar silver shell platter for $4.99 at the local thrift store. It had just the right amount of tarnish:

De tout, de rien
I created my own version, which is a little fuller. I drilled a hole in the top part big enough to thread the ribbons through (I'm so proud of myself, I just recently learned to use a drill. Me. Using a power tool. Gold star!) I knew I wanted an apple green satin ribbon, but I was also inspired to use a darker, olive green grosgrain ribbon for added depth and texture. I threaded the ornaments on the grosgrain ribbon and tied them with a knot.

De tout, de rien
Then I found a glittery pick at the craft store in the same shade of apple green. It was large and long enough so I used it as the background. I found some shatterproof bulbs at Wal-mart: two green pinecones with silver accent and a mixture of greens and brown (the brown ties in nicely with the patina as luck would have it), plus some red for contrast and to tie back to the door colour. I put double-sided tape on the back so that the whole thing wouldn't bang on the glass every time we open the door.

Et voilà!

De tout, de rien
De tout, de rien
De tout, de rien
If you have a similar platter, but don't want to drill a hole in it, it would also look lovely as a table centre with bulbs and pinecones, on a bed of artificial snow. Leave the tarnish on. The whole idea is to show off that lovely patina.

I would have liked to show you the greenery arrangement I made for my urns but it's raining so hard I couldn't even go out to take a pic! Well, there's a post for another day, so I have no excuse to wait so long for the next instalment!

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