This year, like most years and for most people, had its shares of ups and downs in store for me. Allow me to share the highlights with you.
The world of blogging has been a revelation for me. I have "met" many a kindred spirit, people who share the same likes, one of them being furniture repainting and refinishing. I thought I was the only one in the world to pick up discarded items to make over so that they can be reloved. Also through blogging, I discovered the wonders of Annie Sloan Chalk Paint. It's been so much fun getting to discover this wonderful product!
Here are my most viewed makeover posts:
Discarded Jewel Becomes Tiffany Star
(This was repinned many times on Pinterest!)
Antoinette Shelf
(Also repinned several times)
Little Paris Table in Versailles, although I had some challenges with it, I love the way it turned out.)
And in my personal life:
My youngest daughter graduated high school in June and went away to university in september. We are now empty nesters during the school year. Where did the time go?
In June, we celebrated 25 wonderful years of wedded bliss. My best friend from Montreal, who was also our maid of honour, surprised us with a visit and some champagne to help us celebrate.
To celebrate this major milestone, we went to Paris in August, a long time dream of mine.
I had high expectations for Paris and not only were they met, they were greatly surpassed! I fell in love with the city of lights. So much beauty and history! I'll be back!
And this was by far the lowest point of my year:
My dad passed away in september after a long battle with cancer.
Life has many yins and yangs. Shortly after my dad's passing, I found a store who accepted my furniture and jewelry on consignment. I was thrilled! Here is the first item I sold:

I have great plans and hopes for 2013 that I'm just not sharing yet, because it's all in a very preliminary stage and also, I just don't want to jinx anything, lol!
I hope you also have great plans and hopes for the coming year and I wish you all much happiness, health and wealth. You have no idea how much your visits and your comments mean to me and I'm looking forward to more for 2013!